Puzzle Complete: What Israel Doesn’t Want You To Put Together

Things world has learnt recently about Israel:
1) Initially there were different versions of Zionism. Theodor Herzel’s Zionism carried more egalitarian values and envisioned Jews and Palestinians living side by side as equals in Palestine. The version that won in the end was the one espoused by David Ben-Gurion and which was based on Jewish supremacism over any non-Jews living in Palestine.
2) Zionist nationalism is based on a form of nationalism found in Eastern European nations such as Russia and Poland. This nationalism is based on ethnic ownership of the land. Poland is for ethnic Poles and Russia is for ethnic Russians. This contrasts with Western European nationalism found in places like France and the US where the land belongs to anyone who is a citizen of the state.
3) The highest court in Israel has determined that “Israeli” is not an identity. As such Jewishness is the foundation of identity in Israel, not citizenship. Furthermore Palestinians are considered just Arabs, since Palestinian identity is not recognized.
4) Israel is the only country in the world without a constitution (Britain has the Magna Carta rather than a constitution). This means the supreme court of Israel can just make up laws as it goes along as there are no official principles setting the framework of the law.
5) The internationally recognized legal criteria to determine if a country is an Apartheid regime are fully met by Israel. Calling Israel an Apartheid regime is not a figure of speech or an exaggeration, but an actual legal fact. In fact the level of oppression the Palestinians are subjected to exceeds what took place in Apartheid South Africa.
6) Jews living in various western countries and Zionist Israeli Jews have different orientations and foundations within the Jewish tradition. Jews in the west have a more Universalist approach based on the tradition of the prophets, while Israeli zionists follow primarily the book of Joshua and the five books of Moses. For those of you not familiar with the book of Joshua, it can be described quite simply as an ISIS manual for Jews. It is a violent book that calls for the subjugation of non-Jews through violence and terror. Precisely what Israel has been doing for decades. As such Israel is merely a Jewish ISIS.
7) Palestinians are subject to relentless persecution to the extent that they are not just punished for resisting, but also prevented from surrendering. Surrender entails that one is left in peace after surrendering. However Palestinians are not given that choice. They are humiliated, dispossessed and killed no matter what they do.
8) The WestBank and Gaza are laboratories for the testing of weapons and population control techniques. Palestinians are the guinea pigs. The end users are people around the world whose police forces are trained by Israel and whose prisons are supplied by Israeli technology. This includes many western countries among which is Canada, by virtue of the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement signed in 2008. When the police of a country is “Israelized”, it follows that its people are “Palestinianized”. The state of Israel is effectively becoming a template and ideal for state control and domination around the world, ranging from authoritarian China to the current far right Canadian government under Stephen Harper who is a notorious zionist extremist. The Palestinians are also becoming a template and ideal of subjugation and pacification to be gradually imposed on people around the world. The success of Apartheid Israel’s system of oppression and domination is a threat to the entire global populations who will find themselves increasingly “Palestinianized” as their governments adopt “proven” Israeli strategies and techniques of pacification and subjugation. 9) Israel is among the top 10 exporters of weapons in the world. This is all the more remarkable considering it is a very small country that competes with much larger countries like the UK and China in terms weapons sales. One of the main selling points of Israeli weapons is that they are marketed as being “combat proven”. This means the weapons have been successfully tested on Palestinians.
10) Israel sells weapons to 190 countries in the world (bare in mind there are only 193 countries in the world!). This means that many countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia that appear to be enemies of Israel on the surface are actually customers of Israeli weapons manufacturers.
11) Israel sold weapons to Rwanda and Serbia while these countries were in the midst of horrific genocidal campaigns. So to spell it out clearly, the state of Israel which condemns the horrors of the Holocaust when genocide was committed by the Nazis against the Jews has absolutely no problem selling weapons to groups who are committing genocide against another people. It follows that for Israel it’s only genocide when Jews are the victims. When someone else is the victim it’s just a business opportunity.
12) Many of these Israeli weapons are being sold to police forces in countries like Brazil and are designed for urban warfare and crowd control. This is part of a new policy of pacifying local populations in a manner similar to how Palestinians are pacified in occupied Palestine. These weapons include armed drones and tanks for light urban warfare. 13) Many military and police officials from various countries including China visit Israel to learn Israeli crowd control techniques, propaganda and warfare strategies. A Chinese general recently visited Israel to learn how the IDF framed and executed the massacre in Gaza.
14) Israel has nuclear and ballistic missiles capable of reaching as far as Europe in addition to German made Dolphin-class submarines capable of delivering cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. It also has 10 satellites in orbit spying on various parts of the world and the Middle East in particular.
15) Despite all the advanced military technology of the Israeli army, the Israeli soldiers are actually cowards who use their high tech weapons on an impoverished civilian population without an army of its own. Israeli soldiers mostly target women and children with rubber coated bullets and live ammunition. When occasionally attacked by well trained members of the resistance they literally cry for their mommy like cowards since they are only accustomed to bully unarmed civilians.
16) The two state solution is officially dead and buried after the failure of the Kerry initiative. Israel has fully assimilated the WestBank to the extent that trying to get it back in one piece for the establishment of a Palestinian state is the equivalent of trying to get your sandwich back after someone has swallowed it. The only viable alternative to the current Apartheid regime is a binational democratic state similar to Switzerland and Belgium. Such a state would guarantee equality for all and the right of return of Palestinians. The right of Palestinians to live anywhere on the land of Palestine is non-negotiable. A two state solution would not guarantee this fundamental right.

israelis camp in Palestine



Words by unknown

#israel #Palestine #America #zionism #Herzel #jewish #Britain #Apartheid #Palestianized #bible #gaza #Canada #holocaust #idf #isis #BDS
#icc4israel #Syria #Iraq #Egypt #Libya #Alqassam #Lebanon #iran #Saudi #yemin #Hizbollah #Islam #UMMAH #Alqasa #wakeupworld #zionists #Russelltribunals #Abbas #Netanyahu #democracy #massacres #Johnkerry #JohnMcCain #peace #Quran #weteachlifesir #israelisawarcriminal
#JewsandArabsrefusetobeenemies #israelcrimes

15 thoughts on “Puzzle Complete: What Israel Doesn’t Want You To Put Together

  1. Dave Kersting

    What “Israel” – or, more precisely, International Zionism – doesn’t want us to put together is the flaming obvious fact that forcing any “Jewish” state into a multi-ethnic region is violent racism, right on the face of it, as plain as can be, end of argument: “puzzle complete.”

    All the peripheral “arguments” are just random details, compared to that, and the Zionists are constantly pumping them into the media, including internet media, in order to keep us disregarding the one glaring Achilles Heel of the whole filibuster. Just stop using our taxes to finance openly-declared racist violence.


    1. waswas66 Post author

      This was put together due to the many zionists that have used Hasbara means to justify their existences. It’s just a template that can be further researched as well as many blogs written here. Debunking claims of israel’s illegal occupation and war crimes not only in Palestine but the world by means of false flags. These blogs are to bring answers to the claim of israel’s illegal existences as a Jewish State in matters of biblical, historical, archeological and scientifical issues. Given people of all ethincities a start to debunk any propaganda by Zionism and for them to further research for more additional answers to grasp.


  2. Johnny

    Well it’s not true that the UK has no constitution, or that Magna Carta takes it’s place. The UK constitution is composed of many different Acts of Parliament, some rather old and ineffective conventions, and a few older documents. It changes virtually every year. So the Scottish Parliament’s decision to permit 16 yo’s the vote in the recent referendum was in effect a change to the Constitution (the outcome of which prevented an even bigger change).

    I hope I can rely on the rest of your article tho.


    1. waswas66 Post author

      Johnny I will confirm this one more time and if I am wrong on a few things you mentioned I will be the first to correct it so bare with me. Also this is a template for one to further their search.


  3. Pingback: Puzzle Complete: What Israel Doesn’t Want You To Put Together | altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine

  4. Pingback: Puzzle Complete: What Israel Doesn’t Want You To Put Together | khamakarpress.com

    1. waswas66 Post author

      #wickedzionism has caused many genocides in the world that we know of is now doing with the creation of ISIS to attack ME and destroy for the survival of not only israel’s existences but to produce a chain effects of civilizations to clash. All this for a state of israel that has yet to name it’s borders and have cause under the hand of America to destroy the ME, and bring Islamphobia to the masses, the same offspring masses that had Jewphobia in Europe.


  5. frenchcopyright

    Do you want world peace? Do you want stop Muslim’s extremists? Destroy Israel, like the Roman with Cartage !!!!! And you spray salt , to be sure that nightmare will not grow again. Palestinians will live in peace, the planet will live with less extremists, less terrorist.


    1. waswas66 Post author

      Only nations I see that never wanted peace but try to display it is America and Israel. israel is not a Jewish state that even Jews who follow the Torah oppose israel’s existences. There was no israel to destroy during Roman rule. And the salt you claim sprayed is the “Divide and Conquer” the Bush/Rice/Cheney with israel to destroy 7 Muslim nations and control the Havoc (ISIL) that was created. Only extremists are the ones that israel/America/Britian Made. Because if Muslims ….actually Muslims were a problem that history must have forgotten they were always protecting jews. You know when Europe and The West who majority were christian, were killing Muslims and jews. As Muslims escaped, Jews tagged along and scattered all over Muslim nations and lived among Muslims in peace. So that nightmare you speak about, started in the mid 1900s when zionism was clearly seen as it imigrated into Palestine on lies.


    2. waswas66 Post author

      israel is destroying itself. European reformed zionists atheists jews that judenratted REAL Jews that were against israel’s illegal occupation and existences paid for with their lives. Everything that israel has been created on biblically, historically, archeologically and scientifically have been lies. Ben-Gurion stated he wanted to wipe out all inhabitants on a land that had ppl, for a land that ppl wanted. israel has been built on top of another neighborhood and all Europe and America KNOWS that. YOU TYPE has been spraying salt since the DAY YOU allowed reformed zionists atheists jews to enter Palestine on a notion of a Holocaust sympathy card that YOU have helped make. As France like America have built their existences on the billions of massacres as well as Britian. YOU have a lot of nerve even opening your mouth to claim innocence not only for your existences but the existences of israel. I suggest go find your humanity, it’s lacking.



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